Society provides a full range of search, selection and recruitment services. Our exact approach is always tailored to the needs of the specific client in question.

We believe in tailoring every assignment to the exact needs of our client, however broadly speaking we offer three types of assistance:
But why use a retained search firm in the first place? Well, it’s worth remembering that there are actually two types of candidate: active candidates and passive candidates. Active candidates have made a conscious decision to find a new role. As such they will be looking at job adverts and networking furiously. Passive candidates are much more elusive. They’re usually busy people, currently giving little thought to their next job move. Public advertisements and contingent recruitment firms only succeed in accessing active candidates. A retained executive search firm like Society can add value by reaching out to passive candidates as well.
Through a process of creative research, patient courtship, and persuasive advocacy, we are able to help you move beyond appointing only ‘the usual suspects’. We can cast the net as widely as you want, unconstrained by sector or geographical boundaries. And what all this effort delivers will be a larger, higher calibre, and more diverse field of candidates for you to appoint from.
The difference between hiring an exceptional candidate and a merely good candidate can be profound and far-reaching.