
Society working with Stonewall on the appointment of their next Chief Executive

We are delighted to be assisting the charity Stonewall on the appointment of its new Chief Executive.

Stonewall exists because lesbian, gay, bi and trans people everywhere are still unable to live full, authentic lives without fear of discrimination. Recognised as one of the most effective charitable organisations in the United Kingdom, it is known for helping transformthe legal and cultural landscape for Britain’s LGBT communities. Today, however, it faces a new chapter that is as complex as it is challenging. Stonewall must secure genuine inclusion for all and create a world where all LGBT people everywhere are accepted without exception. For a long time, Stonewall has recognised the need to engage beyond Westminster to achieve genuine equality. To face the challenges of the next decade it will need to reach further and deeper into communities and work with sports fans, faith leaders, teachers in rural counties, small-business owners and many more. It also means recognising and representing the unique lived experiencesof different LGBT people in all the work it does, ensuring that no one is left behind. For them to achieve this, Stonewall must be more strategic in its approach than ever before. It must develop and capitalise o npartnerships with influential organisations. But it must also ensure that, as anorganisation, it is led by the most passionate and proactive people. 

This is an incredibly exciting and profoundly important position. 

Please check our website in the coming weeks for more details. 

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