
BITC publishes a new report to coincide with Responsible Business Week

Today marks the start of Business in the Community (BITC)’s Responsible Business Week: a week of activity and core messaging about how business can be a force for good. To mark this event, BITC has published a thought-provoking new report with the support of its Leadership Task Force.

Over a year ago, BITC recognised there was a widespread perception that business leaders’ behaviour is unethical and drives business models that serve the investors and business but not the customer, the regular employee or society. In response, BITC engaged 300 leaders at various businesses across the UK (including Society!) through face to face discussions and surveys. They also studied the many reports, initiatives and alliances on responsible business to make the case for action and identify practical steps for business leaders.

What they found was:  

  • business leaders recognise that they must take personal responsibility to rebuild trust in business and business leadership;
  • business leaders believe that business is about more than generating profit and that both business and society can benefit from a responsible and sustainable approach;
  • business leaders are concerned about the legacy that they will leave for future generations;
  • values must be upheld by all leaders in the business and embedded in the systems;
  • business leaders recognise the life-changing power of experiences such as Seeing is Believing.

 To read the full report, please click here.

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