
FSD Kenya makes important Results Specialist appointment

Valerie Mukuna will be joining FSD Kenya as its new Results Specialist.

FSD Kenya was established in 2005 with the aim to catalyse the development of market systems in a way which will make markets work for the poor (the M4P approach). It works in collaboration with the Kenyan financial services sector, the Government of Kenya and a number of international development funders including DFID, SIDA, the World Bank and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

FSD Kenya is seeking to embed impact assessment as a core element in the design and delivery of its work, particularly at project level. Proper impact analysis at this level allows FSD Kenya to more effectively diagnose, deliver and measure its investments and activities, and communicate this to FSD’s stakeholders.

Valerie is taking on a challenging but extremely interesting role. It will see her driving the systematic use of evidence throughout FSD Kenya to improve programmatic impact and accountability to funders. It requires excellent strategic thinking to deliver a results measurement system for FSD at the project level that is nested within the global programme framework.

Joining FSD Kenya from Kenya Markets Trust (KMT), Valerie is well placed to take on this role. As KMT's former Lead for Knowledge and Results, she worked with programme teams to deliver KMT's objectives and impact to stakeholder satisfaction. Fluent in the M4P approach and DCED standard of results measurement, Valerie leveraged strong technology skills to revolutionise the way data and results were collected, processed, analysed, reported and visualised. Before this, Valerie held Monitoring and Evaluation roles with African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD), a Bill and Melinda Gates flagship gender and empowerment project.

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