
Our Impact

Society is a 'triple bottom line' business. That means we measure success not just in economic terms (profit), but also through our social impact (people) and our environmental performance (planet).

Our Impact Report

Every year we produce a formal Impact Report in order to keep our various stakeholders updated about Society's work and activities. This is part of how we celebrate successes, admit our shortcomings, and clarify our priorities. Our latest report is available below. Within it you can find out how we are performing against our People, Planet and Profit objectives, including a detailed breakdown of our current emissions profile.

View our latest report

The Sustainable Development Goals

Wherever possible we try to align our work with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. To see what appointments we’ve handled in these areas, click on one of the images below.


If there is a senior appointment that we might be able to help you with, let’s have a conversation…

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